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https://www.prodigital-taiwan.com/ Prodigital Technology Corp. Lighting project, Home solar energy storage system ESS project business partner
Home Profile

Lighting can change the atmosphere of the environment to affect people's feelings.  Prodigital Technology Corp. has focused on the planning, development and production of LED lighting, different facade lighting solutions and solar energy storage systems for over 20 years now. Maximum demands on perfection define our sense of responsibility towards our customers.
Through our collected experience, we can provide with individual and innovative solutions not only for solution systems, but also for installation, maintenance and project systems.

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Find the perfect solutions for your lighting project, solar energy project, and dynamic media façade light project needs. Contact sallywu8@ms19.hinet.net with our expert team solutions to your project requirements.

Services: landscape lighting, Media facade lighting led, Exterior facade lighting, lighting design, solar with light, solar products for home, video wall