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Products太陽能 光電Solar power for LED street lights 5 years warranty

Solar power for LED street lights 5 years warranty

The most energy-efficient and cost-effective lighting solutions for streets and roadways.

PD-C-SEP-40W Solar power for LED street lights 5 years warranty

PD-C-SEP-60W Solar power for LED street lights 5 years warranty

PD-C-SEP-80W Solar power for LED street lights 5 years warranty

PD-C-SEP-100W Solar power for LED street lights 5 years warranty

PD-C-SEP-120W Solar power for LED street lights 5 years warranty

PD-C-SEP-150W Solar power for LED street lights 5 years warranty

Although the initial investment of solar energy is relatively high, its advantages include long-term low operating costs, savings in electricity bills, simple installation process, and less manual maintenance. The battery we utilize with capable of withstanding at least 6,000 discharge cycles, the LED lighting life with over 50,000 hours, and the solar panels with the lifespan of over 20 years.

Since 2018, we have supported with customers to launch multiple projects, and the lights and batteries in the current projects are in normal operation. With our rich project experience in working with worldwide clients enables us to provide the necessary technical support for your project to ensure that the project proceeds smoothly. Contact 
sallywu8@ms19.hinet.net we are happy to make proposal for your project.